Wednesday 19 September 2012

Music Video Style - Technical codes, Camerawork and Editing

Music video's can be more memorable than the song.

Technical codes:

When analyzing pop videos it is important to consider the technical codes which are used to construct both the video itself and the representations inherit within it.

laura mulvey - male gaze

post femininism


dismemberment of women body parts

dont cross the fourth barrier

Camera work:

How camera is used and how images are sequenced will have significant impact of the meaning

Camera movement angle and shot distance.

Circulating band members on stage.

Close ups predominates, emphasizes half the commodity, not just the song single or album, but the artist.

  Carol Vernallis

a video must provide a flattering depiction of the singer lip synchin the song

music videos make us as aware of the edge of the frame


common in music videos is fast cut montage. impossible to grasp on irst viewing thus ensuring multiple viewing.

there are videos which use slow pace and gentler transitions to establish mood.

saturted or disstressed colours

iconography - of an artist, a music genre, and the director.

Richard Dyer- " a star is an image constructed from a range of materials. (1979)

Goodwin - " Star texts intersec with video clips"

h/w evolution of a popstar through music videos.

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