Monday, 26 November 2012

Copyright Letter

Dear Copyright Holder,

I am an A Level student studying media requesting your permission to use Ian Brown's track ‘Longsite M13’.
With your consent, the track would be used in my current A2 level Media Studies project, which consists of creating a music video, including an album cover and a magazine advert for our new and upcoming artist.
If we receive your permission, this track would only be used for an educaional purpose and will be viewed by my media class, my teacher and the OCR exam board examiner. It will not be used for any financial purposes, neither the institution or intend to make any profit out of using your artist’s track.
I am appreciate your time for reading this letter and i look forward to your reply. If there are any problems plese do not hesitate in contacting me via my email.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Snehal Khimani
Park High School, Stanmore, UK

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